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Personal shopping

A collaborative trip to buy those key missing items from your wardrobe

Cost: £300 

Duration: Typically 3 hours*

Location: either Bluewater or **central London


Do you find shopping for clothes overwhelming?  Impulse buys, fly-by-night trends and unsustainable brands offering bargain buys may leave you feeling lost. This pattern will recur again and again if you don’t know what suits you.


Or maybe you are looking to start a capsule wardrobe, with some key staples or have a special occasion where you need that wow factor.


Fear not! I can help you. Following a wardrobe edit, colour consultation and body shape analysis, or if we haven’t met before, a detailed discussion with a clear brief and end goal, I can plan our trip. I will identify the brands and clothes that best suit your budget beforehand to ensure you get the most from the experience. 


I can work with any budget and will ensure you invest in key pieces that elevate the clothes you already own. This approach means there will be no more wasting money on clothes you don’t need or wear, with a focus on sustainability and longevity.


What’s included in this session:

  • Pre-shop discussion*** (via FaceTime, Zoom or phone call)

  • Pre-shop planning so we can maximise our time in shops buying those key pieces

  • Honest guidance on the pieces you are buying

  • Introduction to new brands

  • Advice on seasonal trends

  • Style tips and advice on how to combine your new pieces with your existing wardrobe

  • Follow-up guide covering the styles and outfits we've discussed during our trip.


This personal shop is about you - empowering you and giving you confidence.


Optional online follow-up try on and feedback

Price: £25


You can book this additional half-hour session to seek guidance on how to style your new pieces and team them with existing items in your wardrobe. 


Why hire me to help


Learn how to make your true style shine through and only invest in clothes that work hard for you. There'll be no more wasting money on throw away fashion. Together we can create your dream wardrobe.


*a charge of £25 per hour will be added for any additional time

**This is in addition to the typical three hours scheduled for the personal shopping trip.

***Travel to Bluewater is included in overall package price. An additional charge of £50 will be charged to cover travel to Central London.


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